Medicaid Planning Denver

Even in situations that seem to be clear and uncomplicated, you can benefit from having an attorney help you with Medicaid Planning for yourself or immediate relatives. Even if you have a caseworker assigned to aid you in preparing a Medicaid application, they might not know about a peculiar rule that would apply in your case or the latest changes in the law. Additionally, by the time you apply for Medicaid, you might have lost out on important planning opportunities.

For a more circumspect and thoughtful approach, confer with a competent and qualified professional who can counsel you and guide you through what can sometimes be a very complicated process. The information you obtain about Medicaid Planning can mean substantial financial savings or improved care for you or your family member. The plan may involve the use of trusts, transfers of assets, purchase of annuities or increased income and resource allowances for the healthy spouse.
The earlier you confer with a qualified professional about Medicaid Planning in Denver, the better. If you wait, it may be too late to take some steps available to preserve your assets. Meurer & Potter Law Office can guide you through the Medicaid Planning process ensuring that you or your loved one receive all of the benefits needed to enjoy their remaining years with quality care. Please call us to schedule an appointment at 303.991.3544.